1Bedroom,Bathroom,Kitchen and Living room Terrance
35sqm living space
9.45sqm Terrance
KSH 2.1M Including VAT
offer do not include property and cost of property development such as utilities offer includes: delivery to site assembly and connection to existing utilities on site.
2Bedroom,Bathroom,Kitchen and Living room Terrance
47sqm living space
9.45sqm Terrance
KSH 2.85M Including VAT
offer do not include property and cost of property development such as utilities offer includes: delivery to site assembly and connection to existing utilities on site.
3Bedroom,Bathroom,Kitchen and Living room Terrance
3Bedroom: Master bedroom ensuite,2Bedroom separate
kitchen, living room Terrance
KSH 3.8M Including VAT
offer do not include property and cost of property development such as utilities offer includes: delivery to site assembly and connection to existing utilities on site.