Kenya has a very vibrant furniture sector

The Kenyan Ministry of Industry, trade and cooperatives has identified the Kenyan Furniture Sector as being among the most important sectors to spur growth for the Kenyan Economy. The Furniture Market in Kenya stands at US$ 496 million in sales in 2013, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10% over the past five years.

Yet the actual Furniture Industry is fragmented and split into two main sectors, the formal sector mainly constituted by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) and the informal sector represented by a large number of Jua Kali workshops mainly operated by sole proprietors.

In both sectors the technology employed is largely outdated and the labour skills are limited. Companies investing in new and innovative machinery and technology are hampered by the lack of skilled labour in the sector, both on artisan and technical level.

With a very vibrant building sector in general, the demand of high quality furniture and interior development is on the rise. As a result, the imports into Kenya are also on the rise: imports grew at a 24 percent CAGR between 2009 and 2013. Please refer to the report for in-depth information.

Our Expertise – Your Chance

Through our sister company Wizzard Timber Products and Services Ltd  (FB: Wizzard Timber Products) and Wizzard Design Ltd we offer a variety of services to the timber industry.

With over 3 decades of experience in the management of Furniture Manufactures (Diani Furniture Ltd, White Elephant Ltd and others) in Kenya, technology transfer and training, we have a decisive grasp of the realities within the Kenyan Furniture Market.

In particular we offer

  • Technical Audits and Production Process Analysis
  • Training Needs Assessment
  • Environmental and Sustainability Audits
  • In-service Training

Our Background Matters !

Wizzard Design Ltd has been deeply involved in Support Programs for the Republic of Ireland. Under contract by the Irish Development Board, WD has taken part in leading the Irish Furniture Industry into 21st Century by providing the necessary support programs, technology transfer and technical training. We have been providing services such as :

  • Monghan Feasibility Study – To scope the requirement for support programs within the Furniture Sector in the cross border region between The republic Of Ireland and Northern Ireland
  • Furniture Cert – In-service training certification to upgrade the skills level within the furniture industry
  • Furniture Technology Centre – Establishing a high tech training and production centre for technology transfer and technical training. Fully CAD CAM integrated
  • Industry Support Program – Technical audit grants
  • Technology Implementation Program :
    Planning and implementation of major  high technological upgrades in various companies across Ireland and Northern Ireland. Investment volumes per company between 25,000 and 2,4 mill Euro. Implementation of  fully computerised production lines with modern environmental systems and waste management.

The Kenya Furniture Industry needs the supportAs a result, we are presenting a TOR/Road Map to the Government of Kenya in order to spur the overdue transition of the Kenyan Furniture Industry into an Internationally Competitive Environment thus regaining the lost ground in the Value Adding Chain.

Furniture Industry in Kenya, Situational Analysis and Strategy, Ministry of Industrialisation and Development 2015. There is a booming informal sector in Kenya of small-scale traders, craftspeople, and entrepreneurs in Kenya known as the Jua Kali sector.

Many small traders operate from roadside kiosks (small wooden sheds), others from single rooms in custom-built trading blocks.