Manda Island

Manda Island is directly opposite to Lamu Town and Shela Village. It is one the bigger Islands in the Lamu Archipelago. Separated by only a small stretch of sea from Lamu Island it provides the Manda Airport, which is the main airport for Lamu County.

Manda is split into two sections by a creek. Manda with the Airport and Manda Ras Kitau opposite Shella Village
Ras Kitau, being at the mouth of Lamu harbor and directly opposite Shella Village on Lamu, has a beautiful sheltered sandy beach with cool Indian Ocean waters and a few coral heads (reef) for snorkeling. It is ideal for relaxation and swimming and mostly less crowded then Shella Beach

The beachfront is largely developed with a 5* hotel , 3 * hotel and numerous private houses. However there are still some excellent opportunities on the beachfront, first, second and third row.  past 3rd row, the Island is governed by a settlement scheme with over 700 properties, numerous of which are for sale.

The Road network as shown on the google map overlay is under construction, as is the electricity supply. Manda Airport will soon be connected by bridge to the Main Land and will provide vehicle access from the New Lamu Port

At the end of the creek separating Manda Airport and Manda Ras Kitau the ancient ruins of Takwa are situated, secluded behind dunes from the Indian Ocean Takwa was once a thriving city and its ruins are a major tourist attraction for Lamu.