Kenya has an abundance of sunshine as it straddles the Equator. The sun is providing an unlimited amount of solar energy and it can be used to produce both, Solar Generated Electricity and Solar Hot Water. Lamu Realty  has large experience in installing solar systems and would be happy to be of service to you, please ask for a quote.

Solar Electricity

Solar Electricity is generated with the assistance of Photo Voltaic Solar Panels. These panels convert the Solar Energy straight into electricity which can be used to power your house. Depending whether you have already an electricity supply or not, there are in principal to options

  • Grid Tie Systems – If you have an Electricity supply you can generate all your required electricity during the day with solar panels. Any surplus electricity is fed into the National Electricity Grid and is credited to you. During the night you buy electricity from the network, utilising your credits (if any) generated during the daytime. If the solar system is large enough, you might not even have an electricity bill.
  • Insular Systems – The second option is for house owners without electricity connection to the National Grid.  These system require a battery storage to store energy during the day from the sun to be used in during the  night.

Solar Hot Water

The energy of the sun can easily be captured to cover the hot water requirements of your house. The water is heated by the sun in special panels and stored in insulated storage tanks. From there it is distributed throughout the house to provide hot water anywhere you require. There is an important information that one needs to consider :

  • The quality of the water has a major influence on your water system in general and in particular your Solar Hot Water generation.
  • Water that has a high salt content tends to corrode (electro corrosion) all metal parts in your water system rapidly.
  • In these cases the Hot Water Generation System has to be of salt water resistant stainless steel (marine grade)
  • How ever, experience has show, that it is much better to treat the water and remove the excess salt, as the life span of all appliances and fittings (washing machine, dishwasher, water taps, toilet cisterns, shower heads etc) will drastically increase being run on clean salt free water.